I get off the bus after we cross the bridge. The weather is damp and so is everyone's mood. Every other time I've done this race the atmosphere has been full of energy. Today everyone wants to get the race over with.
The ground is too wet to stretch, so I warm up by running down the hill at the start and then back up. Race time in five minutes. We're packed together pretty tight, and then the race director tells us all to scoot back three feet. Now we're really jammed. Rain falls harder, drenching us and the course. About a minute before the race is supposed to start a muffled horn blows and we're racing.
The conditions are the worst I've run in since the Napa Valley Marathon in 2006. Wide puddles are on the course, and with about 900 runners speeding downhill they're too dangerous to dodge. In less than a minute everyone is soaked from the shoes up and head down.
The course flattens near the foot of the Golden Gate Bridge, and then winds up a long steep hill. I do this hill once or twice a year, but I am not prepared this time. I'm using every fiber of muscle in my legs, doing very well in keeping my position among the others, but it seems like the hill won't end. I've never struggled up it like this.
When we hit the bridge I feel like the race is over. I left a lot on the hill and have more than six miles to run. Waves of runners pass me, including several women. Twelve women will finish ahead of me. One of them and I will run most of the course separated by no more than a few seconds.

We run along Marina heading toward Fort Mason. This is a steep but short hill approaching the finish line. Ceci is slowing down, and I follow her pace. She's laboring more than I am. At the top of the hill a promotional arch for the sponsor, Emerald Nuts, spans the path. Maybe I could pass her, but she's been pacing me for a long distance and it doesn't seem fair. Plus, had I passed her she may have outkicked me and I would have felt silly.
Ceci asks, "Is this the end?" I don't respond, but I figure
she'll see for herself in a few seconds that the finish line is further away. As we reach the crest on the right Ceci glances back at me and says something I can't understand. I respond, "You're doing great!" Imagine that. I'm encouraging Ceci St. Geme.

She speeds down the hill and toward the finish line. I'm so happy this is done. Ceci wins her age group (W45-49) in 46:34 and I finish eighth in mine (M40-44) two seconds behind her. We finish 112th and 113th.
"Nice job," I tell her in the finish chute. She turns and says, "That was about a 6:15 pace, right?" Fit, fast and fast-thinking. She had the pace down to the second. "That last mile was hard," she says. To which I reply, "So was the first."

A funny incident took place before the race. Todd Rose, one of West Valley's fastest runners, spotted me and said he forgot his singlet. I offered mine, knowing that I wouldn't score for the team. He declined and couldn't fit into my size anyway, but he found a runner from Aggie RC who offered Todd a jersey from their team. Todd turned the singlet inside out to hide the Aggies logo and the Aggies runner told Todd not to sweat too much in the shirt and that the jersey would make him run faster. Here's Todd wearing the blue jersey. He finished an impressive 24th overall in 40:03, first in his age group (M35-39).
1 comment:
She was a high school National Champion not Californian, she is actually originally from Connecticut. Glad you had the chance to meet her. She is a wonderful person
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