We continue to drive in search of any sign of the race. At 8:22 AM we get a call from Suzette, who's finished her leg. Later the first runners appear. We've caught the slower runners, and the sight is inspiring. Everyone is pushing themselves to a common destination, like a flock of migratory birds.
The runners become more concentrated and we look for Tony Fong. Leg 2 starts a
We pull into the large parking area at the leg 3 handoff and see Suzette. Her time was excellent, 1:17:36, a minute and 24 seconds faster than I scheduled. We're second among mixed masters, 4:14 behind Tahoe Redondo. Suzette reports that her leg wasn't too hard and that she would have run faster if she were more familiar with the course.
Tony, pictured with Suzette above, arrives in 1:04:47, putting us just 23 seconds behind what I planned. He and Suzette put us in great position, and confirm the accuracy of the times I had predicted. At this pace we will record a very fast total time. Tony passed 13 runners, placing us 30th overall. I check the results and see that no other team with a number in the 90s, the coed masters teams, has reached the third starting point. We are first in our division, 2:54 ahead of Tahoe Redondo. The photo below shows Suzette, me and Jane awaiting Jane's start of her leg.
Clinging to the Lead
For the second time this year Jane taps me in a relay, and it's my turn to run. Leg 4 is the longest in the race at 12.4 miles. It's not the most difficult, but Len Goldman advised me to put our fastest runner here. With Tony switching with me, we've got Len's alignment. I'm matched with fellow blogger Sarah Lavender Smith of Tahoe Redondo. Sarah's a very good runner who's won Lake Chabot and specializes in trail races and ultras.
I've run at altitude but never raced anywhere higher than St. Louis. Len advised me that the altitude at Lake Tahoe adds 30 seconds per mile. I run the first mile in 6:40 just about the right adjustment from my half marathon pace. The weather is pleasantly cooler than normal, so I don't take any water with me. This is a mistake as the dry and thin air sucks the moisture out of me. Two miles into my leg Jane gives me water. I gulp as much as I can, very appreciative of my teammate's support.
At three miles I approach the only hilly part of my leg. It's a two mile climb with a decline of the same distance. A road sign says that Kings Beach is in four miles, which is where the hill portion ends. As the ascent begins I gain on a runner and eventually pass her. The hill is only 200 feet, but feels much higher with the altitude. I'm looking forward to the end of my leg, but I'm less than halfway done.
As the fatigue grows I consider walking some of the uphill segments, as I did in recent races at Tilden and Lake Chabot. No one is around me, and nobody will know that I've taken a break. But the thought of my teammates and the efforts they are giving keeps me running. Fortunately, whenever my legs tell me so stop I reach the crest of a hill and cruise downhill.
By the time I approach Kings Beach I've run from Nevada into California and have passed another two runners. Running by a cafe, I see Len, who yells, "We're having breakfast!" At first this statement makes no sense to me. I've been up since around 6 AM, have seen Suzette and Tony finish their runs, spent an hour in the car with Jane, and am now halfway through my leg. It feels more like mid-afternoon. Then I realize that it isn't even noon.
Jane and Mom give me water three times, which is more than I'll take in any race other than a marathon or a really hot race. I had been concerned with the forecasts throughout the week of rain during the race. Today's somewhat overcast conditions were better than if we had full sun. As I near the end of my leg I see the flags for the handoff to Diane Dove. Tagging Diane is the best feeling I can remember in a long time. I double over and gasp for air. I am completely gassed, but exhilarated, exhausted and relieved.
Diane is perhaps our most gifted runner. She races infrequently and never does speed work, but almost always finds herself with an age-group award. Recently she was the women's winner at a turkey trot, and she's in her mid-50s. More relevant to me, she was my teammate at the 2006 Couples Relay that we won. A junior college all-America as a swimmer, she qualified for nationals in track after transferring to San Francisco State. While this is not recent history, I know that having her on the team is a big advantage. Diane runs the longest leg we've assigned to a woman, and does well, finishing in 1:22:18. She outruns everyone in our division except Cool Cats, who ran three minutes faster. I suspect Cool Cats ran a male on this leg, and after more than 50 miles of racing our lead is just 1:01.
Could John hold our lead? Mom, Jane and I checked in with John ahead of his run. John was ready to go, and we told him to take it easy because of the altitude. His leg is the toughest, with a 500-foot climb over the last two miles. John comes through brilliantly, finishing in 1:27:07, the fastest time in our division. John opens an eight-minute lead over Cool Cats and expands the advantage over on Tahoe Redondo to nearly 17 minutes. He hands over a big lead to Holly for the final leg.
We drive back to the cabin to get cleaned up before heading back to see how Holly finishes. The clouds that have hovered for the day start to produce rain. I'm feeling bad for Holly as the rain intensifies. I hope she'll be okay. When we get back to the cabin Jane and I devour the chips and cheese dip that John's wife Cathy brought the night before.

Our total time of 9:17:38 is the sixth-fastest mixed masters performance out of 52 recorded teams since 2000. Everyone ran well enough that even if one person had a bad day we still could have won. John said the women saved us, but he's only 4/7 correct. Suzette and Holly ran faster than I predicted, but everyone else improved or held our overall position as we increased our lead over similar teams. The photo below shows Suzette, Diane, me, Jane and Holly with our awards. We weren't able to get the team together after the race, so Tony and John didn't make the photo.As much as we enjoyed winning, the team had a great time. The common bond that the team had before the relay was that they were friends of mine, but now everyone has made friends with each other. The race was exciting, and the weekend was just as enjoyable. Suzette has run more races than she an remember, going back to the 1980s. She says this was her favorite race. I agree. Doing something I love with great people.
Thanks to Mandy and and everyone who came to Tahoe this weekend. Runners need support and flexibility in their schedules to train and compete. Our support teams gave up a weekend to watch and encourage us, and help with meal preparation and household duties. Just as the seven runners, the people who joined us bonded and established new friendships. This was the best race ever.
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